UK Historical weather data download with monthly averages for Maximum & Minimum Temperatures. Totals for Air Frost Days, Rain Fall MM & Sun Hours. UK met office weather stations with data going back more than 100 years in many cases.
Current Temperature |
Aberporth | Glenanne Armagh | Ballypatrick Forest | Bradford | Braemar | Camborne | Cambridge NIAB | Cardiff Bute Park | Chivenor | Cwmystwyth | Dunstaffnage | Durham | Eastbourne | Eskdalemuir | Heathrow | Hurn | Lerwick | Leuchars | Lowestoft | Manston | Nairn | Newton Rigg | Oxford | Paisley | Ringway | Ross On Wye | Shawbury | Sheffield | Southampton | Stornoway Airport | Sutton Bonington | Tiree | Valley | Waddington | Whitby | Wick Airport | Yeovilton