I’m Ant, a passionate developer and creator. This website is one of several personal projects I’ve built to explore and share my interests in web development, design, and technology. Each project is crafted with care, and you can find more about my background and contact details in the privacy policy on every site. or you can contact my via the Via Facebook for this site.
Thank you for stopping by, and I appreciate your interest in my work.
Oh yes, and I will just mention that I have not added any sort of profile picture, due to being quite old and quite ugly. Even Mr's T doesn't want to look at my ugly mug. I could have added an avatar instead, but who am I trying to kid.
Best regards, Ant T.Aberporth | Glenanne Armagh | Ballypatrick Forest | Bradford | Braemar | Camborne | Cambridge NIAB | Cardiff Bute Park | Chivenor | Cwmystwyth | Dunstaffnage | Durham | Eastbourne | Eskdalemuir | Heathrow | Hurn | Lerwick | Leuchars | Lowestoft | Manston | Nairn | Newton Rigg | Oxford | Paisley | Ringway | Ross On Wye | Shawbury | Sheffield | Southampton | Stornoway Airport | Sutton Bonington | Tiree | Valley | Waddington | Whitby | Wick Airport | Yeovilton